
The materials at this website have been prepared for information purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice or legal opinion on any specific facts or circumstances. Transmission and receipt of information is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship between the sender and receiver. Readers should not act upon this information without seeking professional counsel. This website contains links to other websites, and no responsibility is assumed for the content of such other websites.

List of partners in accordance with German Partnership Act:
Dr. Claus Beckmann
Dr. Florian Bertsch
Dr. Jörg Binder
Edoardo Feira
Dr. Marc Gerauer
Dr. Georg Kalhammer
Dr. Oliver Ladendorf
Dr. Sebastian Neusser
Dr. Johannes Steinbauer
Dr. Andreas Sticht

The following information is given in view of the regulations of Section 5 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG) and Sec. 2 of the German Regulation on Information Duties Regarding Services (DL-InfoV).

Responsible within the terms of the German Telemedia Act are the patent attorneys and the attorney at law of KRAUS & LEDERER Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mit beschränkter Berufshaftung ("KRAUS & LEDERER" hereinafter). KRAUS & LEDERER is registered under number PR1331 in the register of partnerships of the District Court Munich (AG München).

Our place of business is:
Thomas-Wimmer-Ring 15
80539 Munich
Telephone +49-89-2 90 60-0
Telefax +49-89-2 90 60-111
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The German patent attorneys (Patentanwälte) are admitted under German law and are registered at the German Patent and Trademark Office and are members of the
German Patent Attorneys Association
Tal 29
80331 Munich
Tel. +49 89 242278-0

They are further members of the Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle and as such subject to its Code of Professional Conduct

The European Patent Attorneys of KRAUS & LEDERER are registered at the European Patent Office and are members of the
European Patent Institute (epi)
Bayerstraße 83
80335 Munich
Tel. +49 89 24 20 52-0

The European Trademark Attorneys and European Design Attorneys of KRAUS & LEDERER are registered at the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (European Union Intellectual Property Office). The European Trademark Attorneys are subject to the rules of the Council Regulation on the Community Trade Mark (Regulation EC/40/94) and on the Community Design (Regulation EC/6/2002)
The German attorneys-at-law are admitted under German law and are members of the Bar Association of the Higher Regional District Munich (Rechtsanwaltskammer für den Oberlandesgerichtsbezirk München), Tal 33, 80331 München, Germany, Tel. +49 89 532944-0

The following codes of professional conduct apply:

For the European Patent Attorneys:
Code of Conduct of the Institute of Professional Representatives before the EPO
The Regulation on Discipline for Professional Representatives issued by the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation
The FICPI statutes ( the German Patent Attorneys
The professional rules laid down in the Patentanwaltsordnung (PatAnwO) [German Patent Attorney Code]
The Berufsordnung der Patentanwälte (BOPA) [Code of Conduct for Patent Attorneys]

For the German Attorneys at Law:
Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO) [German Attorney at Law Code]
Berufsordnung der Rechtsanwälte (BORA) [Code of Conduct for German attorneys at Law]
Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz (RVG) [German Attorneys Remuneration Act]
Fachanwaltsordnung (FAO) [Act Governing Specialized Attorneys]
Code of Conduct for Lawyers in the European Union issued by the CCBE (Council of the Bars and Law Societies of the European Community)

The codes pertaining to German attorneys at law can be found in both English and German on the website of the Federal Bar Association at

The rules governing conduct do not allow the attorneys at law and the patent attorneys of our firm to represent conflicting interests. For this reason, it is always ascertained before representation is assumed whether there is a conflict of interest.

Our attorneys have a worldwide professional indemnity insurance at Allianz Versicherungs-AG, 10900 Berlin, Germany.

The firm’s German VAT identification number is DE 129 993 224.

Please contact us in case of any question.

Concept and Design, Consulting and Support

Tengstraße 27 . 80798 Munich . Germany
+49 89 1892 6704
+49 177 767 7586
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Neureutherstraße 19 . 80799 Munich . Germany
+49 89 3265 7965
+49 163 175 5346
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Hofmannstraße 7B . 81379 München . Deutschland
‭+49 160 9910 2030
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Wilhelm-Hey-Straße 4 . 81243 München . Deutschland
+49 177 24 10 716
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